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07 lipnja 2010

Oskar Wilde - Pisac

Oskar Wilde - Writer

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- Uvek bi trebalo biti zaljubljen, zato i treba ostati neoženjen.
- Should always be in love, therefore, should remain unmarried.

- Oscar Wilde je poznati Irski pisac.
- Rođen je u Dublinu, Irska 16. listopada 1854.
- Umro u Parizu, Francuska 30. studenog 1900.
- Poznati roman mu je:
"Slika Doriana Graya" [The Picture of Dorian Gray] (1891.).
- Poznatije drame su mu: "Idealni muž" [An Ideal Husband] (1895.),
"Važno je zvati se Ernest" [The Importance of Being Earnest] (1895.),
"Florentinska tragedija" i "Teško je biti idiot".

- Oscar Wilde, the famous Irish writer.
- Born in Dublin, Ireland 16th listopada 1854th
- He died in Paris, France 30th studenog 1900th
- The famous novel is:
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" [The Picture of Dorian Gray] (1891)..
- Better-known plays are: "An Ideal Husband" [An Ideal Husband] (1895).,
"The Importance of Being Earnest" [The Importance of Being Earnest] (1895).,
"Florentinska tragedy" and "It's hard to be an idiot."

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