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28 travnja 2010

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Glumica

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Actress

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- Teško je razumjeti druge ako ne razumijete sebe.

- It is difficult to understand others do not understand myself.

- Sarah Michelle Gellar je američka glumica.
- Rođena je 14.4.1977. New York.
- Najpoznatija je po ulozi Buffy Summers u
TV seriji "Buffy, ubojica vampira".
- Poznatiji filmovi su joj; Znam što si radila prošlog ljeta,
Okrutne namjere, Scooby Doo i Kletva.

- Sarah Michelle Gellar is an American actress.
- Born on 14.4.1977. New York.
- Best known for her role as Buffy Summers in
TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
- Famous films her, I know what you did last summer
Cruel Intentions, Scooby Doo and a curse.

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