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11 travnja 2010

Edward Norton - Glumac i redatelj

Edward Norton - Actor and director

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-Život je kao poker;
ako ne riskirate, nećete ništa dobiti.

-Life is like poker;
if you do not risk anything, you will not get anything

- Edward Norton je američki filmski glumac i režiser.
- Rođen je 18.8.1969. u Boston, Massachusetts.
- Poznatiji filmovi u kojima je glumio su mu:
Iskonski strah, Dobar posao u Otaliji,
Generacija X, Klub boraca.
- Za film Iskonski strah je dobio Zlatni globus
za najbolju sporednu mušku ulogu.
- Bio je nominiran dvaput za nagradu Oskar
(1997. Iskonski strah i 1999. Generacija X).

- Edward Norton is an American actor and director.
- Born on 18.8.1969. Boston, Massachusetts.
- Famous films in which he played are:
Primal Fear, Good job Otaliji,
American History X, Fight Club.
- For the movie Primal Fear got the Golden Globe Awards
Best Supporting Actor.
- He was twice nominated for the Oscar award
(1997. Primal Fear and 1999. Generation X).

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