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27 veljače 2010

Wiliam Sekspir - Pjesnik

William Shakespeare - Poet

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Vjera u radost gotovo je ista kao i sama radost.
Faith in the joy was almost the same as happiness itself.

- Wiliam Šekspir je engleski dramatičar i pjesnik.
- Rođen je u travnju 1564. u Stratford-upon-Avon gdje i umire 23.4.1616.
- On je jedan od nekolicine najvećih svjetskih imaginativnih književnika.
- Shakespeare je možda i najpopularniji svjetski spisatelj.
- Neka od poznatih djela su mu:
- Romeo i Julija (1593.), Julije Cezar (1599.),Hamlet (1602.),
Othelo (1604.), Kralj Lear (1605.), Macbeth (1606.), Antonije i Kleopatra (1607.),
San ljetne noći (1594.). Mletački trgovac (1595.) itd.

- William Šekspir the English playwright and poet.
- Born in April 1564th in Stratford-upon-Avon where he died 23.4.1616.
- He is one of the few world's largest imaginativnih writers.
- Shakespeare is perhaps the world's most popular writer.
- Some of the most famous works are:
- Romeo and Juliet (1593.), Julius Caesar (1599.), Hamlet (1602).,
Othelo (1604th), King Lear (1605.), Macbeth (1606.), Antony and Cleopatra (1607).,
Midsummer Night's Dream (1594).. The Merchant of Venice (1595). Etc.

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