Mudre izjave

18 siječnja 2010

Reese Witherspoon - Mudre izjave

Reese Witherspoon - Wise statement

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Toliko se brinemo o karijeri da smo zaboravili život.
So take care of the career that we have forgotten life.

- Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon je američka glumica.
- Rođena je 22.3.1976. New Orleans, Louisiana, SAD.
- Krajem 1990-ih nizom zapaženih uloga bila je jedna od najperspektivnijih mladih holivudskih glumica.
- Dobitnica je Oskara za najbolju glumicu u filmu Walk the Line (2005).
- Za taj film je dobila zlatni globus, Nagradu BAFTA za najbolju glumicu.
- Poznata je još po filmovima: Legally Blonde i Sweet Home Alabama.

- Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon is an American actress.
- Born on 22.3.1976. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- At the end of the 1990s a number of noteworthy role was one of the most promising young actresses in Hollywood.
- She won an Oscar for best actress in the film Walk the Line (2005).
- For the film won a Golden Globe, BAFTA Award for Best Actress.
- There is also the films: Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama.
