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20 veljače 2010

Denzel Washington - Filmski glumac

Denzel Washington - Film Actor

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Bog nam je dao vještine da se njima služimo, a ne hvalimo.
God has given us the skills to serve them, not praise.

- Denzel Washington je američki filmski glumac, redatelj i producent.
- Rođen je 28.12.1954. godine Mt. Vernon, New York.
- Dobitnik je mnogobrojnih filmskih nagrada,
među ostalim i dva oskara i to:
- Oscara za najbolju sporednu ulogu u filmu Rat za slavu (Glory) 1989. godine.
- Oscara za najboljeg glumca u filmu Dan obuke (Training Day).

- Denzel Washington is an American actor, director and producer.
- Born 28.12.1954. The Mt. Vernon, New York.
- He has won numerous film awards,
the other two Oscar as follows:
- Oscar for best supporting role in Glory (Glory) 1989th year.
- Oscar for Best Actor in the film Training Day (Training Day).

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