Marlon Brando - Filmski glumac
Marlon Brando - Film actor
- Marlon Brando je američki glumac.
- Rođen je 3.4.1924. Omaha, Nebraska.
- Umire 1.7.2004. Los Angeles, Kalifornija.
- Jedan je od najutjecajnijih glumaca dvadesetog stoljeća.
- Brando je bio i aktivist za građanska prava i član Indijanskog pokreta.
- Američki filmski institut proglasio ga je četvrtom najvećom muškom filmskom zvijezdom svih vremena.
- Dobitnik je dvaju Oskara:
- Najbolji glumac, Na dokovima New Yorka (1954.) i
- Najbolji glumac, Kum (1972.).Brando je za svoju izvedbu osvojio Oscara za najboljeg glumca, ali ga je odbio i tako postao drugi glumac koji je to učinio (prvi je bio George C. Scott za Pattona). Brando je bojkotirao dodjelu poslavši umjesto sebe indijanskog aktivista Sacheena Littlefeathera. Sacheen je obrazložio Brandove motive: Brando je prigovarao na prikaz Indijanaca od strane Hollywooda i u televizijskim serijama.
- Još šest šuta je bio nominiran za Oskara.
- Brando je najpoznatiji po svojim ulogama u filmovima Tramvaj zvan čežnja i Na dokovima New Yorka koje je režirao Elia Kazan početkom pedesetih.
- Poznat je po ulozi u Kumu kao Vito Corleone i Apokalipsi danas, kao pukovnik Walter E. Kurtz.
- Marlon Brando is an American actor.
- Born on 3.4.1924. Omaha, Nebraska.
- Died 1.7.2004. Los Angeles, California.
- One of the most influential actors of the twentieth century.
- Brando was also an activist for civil rights and the Indian movement.
- American Film Institute ranked it the fourth biggest male movie star of all time.
- Winner of two Academy Awards:
- Best Actor, On the Waterfront (1954). I
- Best Actor, The Godfather (1972).. Brando for his performance won the Oscar for best actor, but he refused and became the second actor who has done it (the first being George C. Scott for Patton). Brando boycotted the award instead of sending yourself an Indian activist Sacheena Littlefeather. Sacheen explained the motives Brando: Brando complained to the Indian version of the Hollywood and television shows.
- Six shot was nominated for an Oscar.
- Brando is best known for his roles in the films A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront, which was directed by Elia Kazan at the beginning of the fifties.
- He is known for his role in The Godfather as Vito Corleone and Apocalypse Now, as Colonel Walter E. Kurtz.
Oznake: Film, glumci, hoolywood, Marlon Brando, Oskar
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