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16 svibnja 2010

Dolly Parton - Country pjevačica

Dolly Parton - Country singer

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- Pravi put naći će oni koji izbjegavaju putokaze.
- The real way to find those who avoid the signs.

- Dolly Parton je američka country pjevačica, autorica brojnih pjesama, kompozitorica, spisateljica i glumica.
- Rođena je 19.1.1946. Sevierville, Tennessee.
- Visoka je samo malo više od 150 cm.
- Wall Street Journal ju je nedavno uvrstio među 50 najmoćnijih žena u showu businessu.
- Njezino bogatstvo procijenjeno je na 500 milijuna dolara.
- Poznata je po ogromnim grudima i frizuri.
- Dolly Parton je danas priznata američka ikona.

- Dolly Parton is an American country singer, and author of numerous songs, composer, writer and actress.
- Born on 19.1.1946. Sevierville, Tennessee.
- High is just a little more than 150 cm.
- Wall Street Journal recently ranked it among the 50 most powerful women in show business.
- Her fortune is estimated at $ 500,000,000.
- It is known for huge breasts and hair.
- Dolly Parton is now recognized American icon.

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