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28 travnja 2010

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Glumica

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Actress

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- Teško je razumjeti druge ako ne razumijete sebe.

- It is difficult to understand others do not understand myself.

- Sarah Michelle Gellar je američka glumica.
- Rođena je 14.4.1977. New York.
- Najpoznatija je po ulozi Buffy Summers u
TV seriji "Buffy, ubojica vampira".
- Poznatiji filmovi su joj; Znam što si radila prošlog ljeta,
Okrutne namjere, Scooby Doo i Kletva.

- Sarah Michelle Gellar is an American actress.
- Born on 14.4.1977. New York.
- Best known for her role as Buffy Summers in
TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
- Famous films her, I know what you did last summer
Cruel Intentions, Scooby Doo and a curse.

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22 travnja 2010

Marlon Brando - Filmski glumac

Marlon Brando - Film actor

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- Marlon Brando je američki glumac.
- Rođen je 3.4.1924. Omaha, Nebraska.
- Umire 1.7.2004. Los Angeles, Kalifornija.
- Jedan je od najutjecajnijih glumaca dvadesetog stoljeća.
- Brando je bio i aktivist za građanska prava i član Indijanskog pokreta.
- Američki filmski institut proglasio ga je četvrtom najvećom muškom filmskom zvijezdom svih vremena.
- Dobitnik je dvaju Oskara:
- Najbolji glumac, Na dokovima New Yorka (1954.) i
- Najbolji glumac, Kum (1972.).Brando je za svoju izvedbu osvojio Oscara za najboljeg glumca, ali ga je odbio i tako postao drugi glumac koji je to učinio (prvi je bio George C. Scott za Pattona). Brando je bojkotirao dodjelu poslavši umjesto sebe indijanskog aktivista Sacheena Littlefeathera. Sacheen je obrazložio Brandove motive: Brando je prigovarao na prikaz Indijanaca od strane Hollywooda i u televizijskim serijama.
- Još šest šuta je bio nominiran za Oskara.
- Brando je najpoznatiji po svojim ulogama u filmovima Tramvaj zvan čežnja i Na dokovima New Yorka koje je režirao Elia Kazan početkom pedesetih.
- Poznat je po ulozi u Kumu kao Vito Corleone i Apokalipsi danas, kao pukovnik Walter E. Kurtz.

- Marlon Brando is an American actor.
- Born on 3.4.1924. Omaha, Nebraska.
- Died 1.7.2004. Los Angeles, California.
- One of the most influential actors of the twentieth century.
- Brando was also an activist for civil rights and the Indian movement.
- American Film Institute ranked it the fourth biggest male movie star of all time.
- Winner of two Academy Awards:
- Best Actor, On the Waterfront (1954). I
- Best Actor, The Godfather (1972).. Brando for his performance won the Oscar for best actor, but he refused and became the second actor who has done it (the first being George C. Scott for Patton). Brando boycotted the award instead of sending yourself an Indian activist Sacheena Littlefeather. Sacheen explained the motives Brando: Brando complained to the Indian version of the Hollywood and television shows.
- Six shot was nominated for an Oscar.
- Brando is best known for his roles in the films A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront, which was directed by Elia Kazan at the beginning of the fifties.
- He is known for his role in The Godfather as Vito Corleone and Apocalypse Now, as Colonel Walter E. Kurtz.

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18 travnja 2010

A G Matoš - Pjesnik

A G Matos - Poet

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- Postati čovjek je ljepše nego postati kralj.
- Becoming a man is more beautiful than become king.

- A G Matoš je hrvatski pjesnik, novelist, feljtonist, esejist i putopisac.
- Rođen je 13.6.1873. u Srijemu u Tovarniku.
- Umro je od tuberkuloze u Zagrebu 17.3.1914.
- U politici je bio naklonjen Stranci prava i cijeli je život bio izrazito domoljuban.
- Poznatija djela su mu:Iverje (1899.),
Ogledi (1905.), Vidici i putovi (1907.),
Umorne priče (1909.), Naši ljudi i krajevi (1910.).

- AG Matos was a Croatian poet, novelist, feljtonist, essayist and travel writer.
- Born on 13.6.1873. to say, Tovarnik.
- He died of tuberculosis in Zagreb, 17.3.1914.
- In politics, he was friendly and the whole party to life was extremely patriotic.
- Known works are: chips (1899.)
Essays (1905)., Vistas and trails (1907th)
Tired stories (1909th), our people and ends (1910)..

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15 travnja 2010

Nikola Tesla - Inovator i znanstvenik

Nikola Tesla - Inventor and scientist

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- Čovek je rođen da radi, da trpi i da se bori,
tko tako ne radi mora propasti.

- Man is born to work, to suffer and to fight,
whoever does so must fail.

- Nikola Tesla je izumitelj i naučnik svjetskog glasa.
- Rođen je 10.7 1856. Smiljan kraj Gospića, Hrvatska.
- Umire 7.1.1943, New York SAD.
- Tesla je bio podrijetlom Srbin i uvijek se ponosio
svojim srpskim podrijeklom i hrvatskom domovinom.
- Bavio se fizikom i elektrotehnikom.
- Za sebe je tvrdio da nije izumitelj već
"otkrivač stvari koje postoje u prirodi oko nas".
- Izumitelj je mnogobrojnih izuma važnih za
ljudsku civilicaciju među kojima su poznatiji:
generator, indukcijski motor i izmjenična struja.

- Nikola Tesla is the inventor and world renowned scientist.
- Born on 10.7 1856th Smiljan near Gospic, Croatia.
- Death 7/1/1943, New York.
- Tesla was a Serb origin and always be proud of
podrijeklom their Serbian and Croatian homeland.
- He studied physics and electrical engineering.
- For himself claimed that it was not the inventor but
"Discoverer of the things that exist in nature around us."
- The inventor of many inventions important for
human civilicaciju including known:
generator, induction motor and alternating current.

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13 travnja 2010

Jean Paul Belmondo - Filmski glumac

Jean Paul Belmondo - Film actor

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Pristojna žena je dama koja zna što nesmije znati, iako zna.
Decent woman is a lady who knows what she must not know it knows.

- Jean Paul Belmondo je francuski filmski i kazališni glumac.
- Rođen je 9.4.1933. Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- Jedan od napoznatijih i najsvestranijih francuskih
i europskih filmskih umjetnika.
- Poznat je po tome što nije koristio kaskadere u akcionim scenama.
- Poznatiji filmovi u kojima je glumio su mu:
- Do posljednjeg daha, Čovjek iz Rija, Ludi Pierrot,
Borsalino, Profesionalac.

- Jean Paul Belmondo is a French film and stage actor.
- Born on 9.4.1933. Neuilly-sur-Seine.
- One of the most famous and versatile French
and European film artists.
- It is known that it did not use stuntmen in action scenes.
- Famous films in which he played are:
- Until the last breath, The Man from Rio, Crazy Pierrot,
Borsalino, professionals.

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11 travnja 2010

Edward Norton - Glumac i redatelj

Edward Norton - Actor and director

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-Život je kao poker;
ako ne riskirate, nećete ništa dobiti.

-Life is like poker;
if you do not risk anything, you will not get anything

- Edward Norton je američki filmski glumac i režiser.
- Rođen je 18.8.1969. u Boston, Massachusetts.
- Poznatiji filmovi u kojima je glumio su mu:
Iskonski strah, Dobar posao u Otaliji,
Generacija X, Klub boraca.
- Za film Iskonski strah je dobio Zlatni globus
za najbolju sporednu mušku ulogu.
- Bio je nominiran dvaput za nagradu Oskar
(1997. Iskonski strah i 1999. Generacija X).

- Edward Norton is an American actor and director.
- Born on 18.8.1969. Boston, Massachusetts.
- Famous films in which he played are:
Primal Fear, Good job Otaliji,
American History X, Fight Club.
- For the movie Primal Fear got the Golden Globe Awards
Best Supporting Actor.
- He was twice nominated for the Oscar award
(1997. Primal Fear and 1999. Generation X).

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07 travnja 2010

Cervantes - Pisac

Cervantes - Writer

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-Brak je nalik na gljivu,
da li je dobra ili otrovna primjetiš tek kad je kasno.

-Marriage is like a mushroom,
Is it good or poisonous primjetiš only when too late.

- Miguel de Cervantes je španjolski pripovjedač i jedan
od najvećih pisaca svjetske književnosti.
- Rođen je 29.9.1547. Alcala de Henares,
a umire u Madridu 23.4.1616. godine.
- Poznatija djela su mu: Uzorite novele, La Galatea (1585.),
a najpoznatije djelo mu je Bistri vitez Don Quijote od Manche (1605).

- Miguel de Cervantes was a Spanish writer and a
of the greatest writers of world literature.
- Born on 29.9.1547. Alcala de Henares,
and died in Madrid on 23.4.1616. year.
- Better known works are: ejemplares, La Galatea (1585).,
a famous work is his Occasionally the Manche (1605).

03 travnja 2010

Bjork - Pjevačica

Bjork - Singer

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Razgovor može biti više seksi nego predigra.
Discussion can be more sexy than foreplay.

- Bjork Gudmundsdttir je islanska pjevačica.
- Rođena je 21.11.1965. godine Reykjavík.
- Poznata je po svom jedinstvenom glasu kao i po ekscentričnim kostimima i glazbenim spotovima.
- U svojim pjesmama miješa razne muzičke stilove i to: pop, rock,jazz, ambient, avangardni, elektroničkih, klasična, folk i trip-hop.
- Okušala se i glumom na filmu i to uspješno (2000 prva nagrada za najbolju glumicu u Cannesu)
- Izdala je sedam albuma i to:
- Björk (1977), Debut (1993), Post (1995), Homogenic (1997),
Vespertine (2001), Medúlla (2004) i Volta (2007).

- Bjork Gudmundsdóttir islanska the singer.
- Born on 21.11.1965. The Reykjavík.
- It is well known for his unique voice and an eccentric costumes, and music videos.
- In their songs, mixes various musical styles including: pop, rock, jazz, ambient, avant-garde, electronic, classical, folk and trip-hop.
- She also, and acting in films and it successfully (2000 first prize for Best Actress at Cannes)
- Issued seven albums, as follows:
- Björk (1977), Debut (1993), Post (1995), Homogenic (1997),
Vespertine (2001), Medulla (2004) and Volta (2007).

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01 travnja 2010

Dante Alighieri - Pjesnik

Dante Alighieri- Poet

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Ljubav ima dve pratilje: dobrotu i strpljivost

Love has two runner: the kindness and patience

- Dante Alighieri je talijanski pjesnik
- Rođen je 1265. godine u gradu Firenca.
- Umire 13.9.1321. u gradu Ravenna.
- Poznatija djela su mu:
- Novi život (Vita nova, pisano 1292.-1293.)
- Gozba (Convivio)
- De vulgari eloquentia
- De Monarchia
- Božanstvena komedija (La Divina Commedia, pisano 1307. - 1321.)

- Dante Alighieri is an Italian poet
- Born 1265th in the city of Florence.
- Died 13.9.1321. in the city of Ravenna.
- Known works are:
- New Life (Vita Nova, written 1292nd-1293rd)
- Treats (Convivio)
- De vulgare eloquentia
- De Monarchia
- The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia, written 1307th to 1321st)

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