Mudre izjave

06 studenoga 2011

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Pisac

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Writer

Tko ne čini ništa za druge, ne čini ništa ni za sebe.

Who is doing nothing for others does nothing for himself.

- Johan Volfgang fon Gete je najveći i najsvestraniji njemački književnik i mislilac.
- Rođen je 28.8.1749., Frankfurt na Majni.
- Umire 22.3.1832., Weimar.
- Najveću popularnost u suvremenika stekao je romanom "Patnje mladog Werthera"
- Još za života postao je spomenik njemačkog klasičnog humanizma.

- Johan Wolfgang von Goethe is the largest and most comprehensive German writer and thinker.
- Born on 28.8.1749., Frankfurt am Main.
- Died 22.3.1832., Weimar.
- Max gained popularity in the contemporary novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther"
- More to life has become a monument to the German classical humanism.

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