Mudre izjave

25 listopada 2010

Latinske izreke - Horacije

Latin sayings - Horace

- Bella matribus detestata.
- Majke mrze ratove
- Mother of hate wars

- Kvint Horacije Flak je bio rimski pjesnik i satiričar.
- Rođen je u prosincu, 65. pr. Kr.
- Umire 27. studenog 8. pr. Kr.

- Horace Quintus Flaccus was a Roman poet and satirist.
- He was born in December, 65 pr. Kr.
- Died 27th November 8 pr. Kr.

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17 listopada 2010

Paris Hilton - Mudre izjave celebrity

Paris Hilton - Celebrity wise statement

Svaka žena treba imati četiri kućna ljubimca u svom životu i to:
Kunu u svom ormaru, jaguara u garaži, tigra u krevetu, i magarca koji sve to plaća.

Every woman should have four pets in her life as follows:
Mink in her closet, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in bed, and ass that all wages.

- Paris Whitney Hilton rođena 17.2.1981. New York, SAD.
- Nasljednica je lanca hotela Hilton.
- Bavi se i manekenstvom i glumom.
- Poznata je kao partijarnerica i celebrity.
- Visoka je 173 cm.

- Paris Whitney Hilton was born 17.2.1981. New York, USA.
- A hotel chain heiress Hilton.
- Deals with the modeling and acting.
- It is known as partijarnerica and celebrity.
- She is 173 cm.

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10 listopada 2010

Sean Connery - Mudre izjave

Sean Connery - Wise statement

Žene, ja ih ne razumijem, ali ih volim.
Women, I do not understand, but I love them.

- Sir Thomas Sean Connery je škotski glumac.
- Rođen je 25.8.1930. Edinburgh.
- Proslavio se ulogom Jamesa Bonda u istoimenom filmskom serijalu.
- Connery je pobornik političke stranke koja traži
samostalnu i nezavisnu Škotsku izvan Velike Britanije.
- Poznatiji filmovi su mu:
Doktor No (1962.), Iz Rusije s ljubavlju (1962.),
Goldfinger (1964.), Dijamanti su vječni (1971.),
Čovjek koji je htio postati kralj (1975.),
Velika pljačka vlaka (1979.), Highlander (1986.),
Ime ruže (1986.), Nedodirljivi (1987.)
Lov na Crveni oktobar (1990.).

- Sir Thomas Sean Connery is a Scottish actor.
- Born on 25.8.1930. Edinburgh.
- Celebrated the role of James Bond film in the same series.
- Connery is a supporter of a political party that seeks
autonomous and independent Scotland outside the UK.
- The best known films are:
Doctor No (1962)., From Russia with Love (1962.)
Goldfinger (1964.), Diamonds Are Forever (1971.)
The Man Who Would Be King (1975.)
Great Train Robbery (1979.), Highlander (1986.)
Name of the Rose (1986)., The Untouchables (1987).
The Hunt for Red October (1990).

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05 listopada 2010

Madonna - Pjevačica, celebrity i glumica

Madonna - Singer, actress and celebrity

Kad sam se dolje na koljenima, ne znači da molim.
When I get down on my knees, I do not mean to beg.

- Madona je američka pjevačica, glumica i poduzetnica.
- Rođena je 16.8.1958. Bay City, Michigan, SAD.
- Puno ime joj je Madonna Louise Ciccone.
- Najprodavanija je pjevačica u XX stoljeću
s 250 miljuna prodanih albuma.
- U javnosti je poznata i po nazivu 'Kraljica popa'.
- Madonna je dobila svoje mjesto u Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
- Izdala je sljedeće albume.
Madonna (1983.), Like a Virgin (1984.),
True Blue (1986.), Like a Prayer (1989.),
Erotica (1992.), Bedtime Stories (1994.),
Ray of Light (1998.), Music (2000.),
American Life (2003.), Hard Candy (2008.) i
Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005.).
- Glumi u filmovima, najpoznatiji je Evita.

- Madonna is an American singer, actress and entrepreneur.
- Born on 16.8.1958. Bay City, Michigan, USA.
- Her full name is Madonna Louise Ciccone.
- Best-selling singer in the twentieth century
with 250 million albums sold.
- The public is also known by the name 'Queen of Pop'.
- Madonna has won a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
- Issued the following albums.
Madonna (1983)., Like a Virgin (1984.)
True Blue (1986)., Like a Prayer (1989.)
Erotica (1992.) Bedtime Stories (1994.)
Ray of Light (1998.) Music (2000.)
American Life (2003.) Hard Candy (2008). And
Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005)..
- His films, the most famous Evita.

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01 listopada 2010

Jennifer Aniston - Mudre izjave celebrity

Jennifer Aniston - Celebrity wise statement

Najbolji miris na svijetu je muškarac kojeg volite.
The best smell in the world is a man they love.

- Jennifer Aniston je američka glumica grčkog porijekla.
- Rođena je 11.2.1969. Sherman Oaks, Kalifornija.
- Pravo ime joj je Jennifer Joanne Linn Anastasakis.
- Najpoznatija je po ulozi Rachel Green u TV seriji Prijatelji.
- Igrala je tu ulogu punih 10 godina.
- Poznata je i kao bivša žena Brada Pitta (2000-05).

- Jennifer Aniston is an American actress of Greek descent.
- Born on 11.2.1969. Sherman Oaks, California.
- Her real name is Jennifer Joanne Linn Anastasakis.
- Best known for her role as Rachel Green in TV series Friends.
- She played that role for 10 years.
- It is known as the former wife of Brad Pitt (2000-05).

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