Mudre izjave

17 listopada 2010

Paris Hilton - Mudre izjave celebrity

Paris Hilton - Celebrity wise statement

Svaka žena treba imati četiri kućna ljubimca u svom životu i to:
Kunu u svom ormaru, jaguara u garaži, tigra u krevetu, i magarca koji sve to plaća.

Every woman should have four pets in her life as follows:
Mink in her closet, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in bed, and ass that all wages.

- Paris Whitney Hilton rođena 17.2.1981. New York, SAD.
- Nasljednica je lanca hotela Hilton.
- Bavi se i manekenstvom i glumom.
- Poznata je kao partijarnerica i celebrity.
- Visoka je 173 cm.

- Paris Whitney Hilton was born 17.2.1981. New York, USA.
- A hotel chain heiress Hilton.
- Deals with the modeling and acting.
- It is known as partijarnerica and celebrity.
- She is 173 cm.

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