31 listopada 2011
13 listopada 2011
John Griffith (Jack) London - Mudre izjave
John Griffith (Jack) London - Wise statement

Plašiti se znači biti zdrav; strah od smrti vodi životu
To fear is to be healthy, fear of death leads to life
- John Griffith London je američki književnik.
- Poznatiji je kao Jack London.
- Rođen je 12.1.1876. godine. San Francisco.
- Umire 22.11.1916. godine, Glen Ellen.
- Bio je kopač zlata u Klondikeu (1897.),
govornik na socijalističkim zborovima,
ratni dopisnik u Rusko-japanskom ratu.
- Pisao je romane, pripovijetke i novele.
- Pjesnik je prirode, bunta, slavi snažne
i poduzetne ličnosti.
- Tražio je junake koji se ne mire s okolnostima
u kojima žive,
već svladavaju prepreke borbom i snagom volje.
- Za 40 godina života objavio je gotovo 50 knjiga:
20 zbirki pripovjedaka, 20 romana, zbirke eseja i drame.
- Poznatija djela su mu:
Zov divljine (1903.), Bijeli očnjak (1906.),
Rat klasa (1905.), Gvozdena peta (1908.).
- John Griffith London was an American writer.
- Better known as Jack London.
- Born on 12.1.1876. year. San Francisco.
- He died on 22.11.1916. years, Glen Ellen.
- He was a gold digger in Klondikeu (1897.)
speaker at socialist meetings,
war correspondent in the Russo-Japanese War.
- He wrote novels, short stories and novels.
- The poet of nature, rebellion, celebrates strong
and entrepreneurial personality.
- He was looking for heroes who can not reconcile with the circumstances
in which they live,
have overcome obstacles to the fight and will power.
- For 40 years he published nearly 50 books:
20 collections of short stories, 20 novels, collections of essays and dramas.
- Better known works are:
Call of the wild (1903.) White fang (1906.),
Class War (1905.), An iron heel (1908)..
Oznake: izjave, izreke, jack, london, mudre, statement, wise
11 listopada 2011
Catherine Zeta Jones - Mudre izjave
Catherine Zeta Jones - Wise statement

Dobit ćeš više meda ako si blag prema pčelama
You will gain more honey if you're gentle with the bees
- Catherine Zeta Jones je velška glumica, živi u SAD-u.
- Rođena je 25.9.1969. u gradu Swansea.
- Popstaje poznata u seriji "Dražesni pupoljci svibanjski"
gdje je glumila Mariette,
najstariju kći Pa Larkina (David Jason).
- Do sada je ostvarila 23 filmske uloge.
- Glumila je s puno slavnih glumaca poput:
Michael Douglas, George Clooney, Liam Neeson,
Anthony Hopkins, Antonio Banderas, Sean Connery.
- Od 2000. godine udana je za glumca Michaela Douglasa.
- 2003. dobija Oskara za ulogu Velme Kelly
u mjuziklu "Chicago".
- Catherine Zeta Jones is a Welsh actress, lives in the United States.
- Born on 25.9.1969. in Swansea.
- Popstaje known in the series 'charming ESCAPE WEEKEND'
where she played Mariette,
Well, the oldest daughter of Larkin (David Jason).
- She has 23 film roles.
- She played with many famous actors such as:
Michael Douglas, George Clooney, Liam Neeson,
Anthony Hopkins, Antonio Banderas, Sean Connery.
- Since 2000. was married to actor Michael Douglas.
- 2003. receives an Oscar for her role Velma Kelly
in the musical "Chicago."
Oznake: Catherine Zeta Jones, douglas, Film, izjave, movie, mudre, Oskar, statement, wise
10 listopada 2011
06 listopada 2011
Dante Aligihieri vikipedija - Dante Alighieri is an Italian pijesnik. - Born in 1265 in Florence. - He died on 14/09/1321. in Ravenna. - Mudre izjave
Dante Aligihieri - Proverbs statement

Put koji vodi ka slavi nikad nije posut cvijećem.
The road that leads to glory is never covered with flowers.
- Dante Alighieri je talijanski pijesnik.
- Rođen je 1265 u Firenci.
- Umire 14.9.1321. u Ravenni.
- Poznata djela su mu:
Novi život (Vita nova) pisano 1292.-1293.
Gozba (Convivio)
Božanstvena komedija (La Divina Commedia)
pisano 1307. - 1321.
Dante Aligihieri vikipedija
- Dante Alighieri is an Italian pijesnik.
- Born in 1265 in Florence.
- He died on 14/09/1321. in Ravenna.
- Well-known works are:
A new life (Vita Nova) written 1292nd-1293rd
Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia)
written 1307th - 1321
Oznake: Dante Aligihieri, izjave, mudre, pjesnik, poslovice, prowerb, statement, wise
02 listopada 2011
Ljubav i novac - Poslovica
Love and Money - Proverbs

Ljubav se često priklanja na stranu na kojoj je novčanik.
Love is often adhered to the side where the wallet.
Austrijska narodna poslovica
Austrian folk proverb
Oznake: ljubav, money, mudre izreke, novac, novcanik, poslovice, wise statement