Mudre izjave

15 kolovoza 2011

Rod Stewart - Mudre izjave celebrity

Rod Stewart - Wise statements celebrity

Treba ženiti samo lijepe žene.
Inače ne postoje nikakve šanse da ih se riješimo.

It should only marry a beautiful woman.
Otherwise there are no chances to solve them.

- Roderick David „Rod“ Stewart je britanski rock i pop pjevač.
- Rođen je 10.1.1945. godine u Londonu.
- U svojoj dugoj karijeri imao je više #1 hitova poput;
Maggie May, Sailing, Da Ya Think I'm Sexy, This Old Heart of Mine,
Forever Young, Rhythm of My Heart itd.
- 1999. godine obolio je od raka štitnjače,
te je u lipnju 2000. operiran.
- Nakon operacije više ne pjeva te se angažiran u zakladi
„City Of Hope Foundation“,
koja se bavi podrškom u istraživanju raka.
- 2007. godine za svoj doprinos u glazbi dobio je
najviše britansko odličje Orden Britanskog carstva.

- Roderick David "Rod" Stewart is a British rock and pop singer.
- Born on 10.1.1945. in London.
- In his long career he had more # 1 hits such as;
Maggie May, Sailing, Da Ya Think I'm Sexy, This Old Heart of Mine,
Forever Young, Rhythm of My Heart, etc.
- 1999. year, he contracted cancer of the thyroid,
and in June 2000. operated.
- After the surgery no longer sings, and is engaged in the foundation
"City Of Hope Foundation"
engaged in support of cancer research.
- 2007. year for his contribution to music has received
Britain's highest Order of the BritiJim Morrison - Muzika, music. rock. pjevaci. pop, rsh Empire medal.

Oznake: , , , , , ,

14 kolovoza 2011

Zdravko MamiĆ - Mudre izjave slavnih

Zdravko Mamic - Wise statement of Fame

Ne može muškarac varati ženu onoliko koliko se žena
može praviti da mu je vjerna.

Can not a man to cheat a woman as much as women
can pretend that he is faithful.

- Zdravko Mamić rođen je 16.7.1959. u Bjelovaru.
- Mamić je bio junior Dinama.
- U nogometu ostaje kao dužnosnik.
- Od 2003. godine izvršni je dopredsjednik NK Dinama.
- Poznat po svojem kontroverzama koje je izazvalo
njegovo ponašanje, te sklonost da koristi
vulgarni rječnik za svoje kritičare.

- Zdravko Mamic was born on 7/16/1959. Bjelovar.
- Mamic was a junior Dinamo.
- In football remains the official said.
- Since 2003. he is the executive vice president of Dinamo.
- Known for its controversy that has caused
behavior and the propensity to use
vulgar vocabulary for their critics.

Oznake: , , , , , , , , , , ,

13 kolovoza 2011

Rene Descartes - Mudre izjave

Rene Descartes - Proverbs statement

Cogito ergo sum.
Mislim, dakle postojim.

- Rene Descartes je bio francuski filozof, fizičar,
matematičar i utemeljitelj analitičke geometrije.
- Rođen je 31.3.1596. u mjestu Indre-et-Loire,
danas se to mjesto zove Descartes.
- Umire 11.2.1650. godine u Stockholmu.
- Descartes je bio začetnik moderne matematike i analitičke geometrije.
- Njegov doprinos matematici vidi se u:
* Upotrebi pravokutnog koordinatnog sustava,
* Uvođenju pojma promjenljive veličine (varijable),
* Svođenju geometrijskih problema na algebarske
i osnivanju analitičke geometrije,
* Pravci i krivulje dobivaju algebarske izraze i tako se ispituju,
* Predodžba o realnom broju mu je slična današnjoj,
* Među prvima je uočio da vrijedi osnovni teorem algebre,
* U djelima koristi terminologiju sličnu današnjoj,
* Znao je za Eulerovu formulu,
* Shvaća funkcijsku vezu,
* Algebarska krivulja trećeg stupnja nosi ime Descartesov list.

- Rene Descartes was a French philosopher, physicist,
mathematician and founder of analytical geometry.
- Born on 31.3.1596. in Indre-et-Loire,
Today this place is called Descartes.
- He died on 02/11/1650. in Stockholm.
- Descartes was the founder of modern mathematics and analytical geometry.
- His contribution to mathematics is seen in:
* Using a rectangular coordinate system,
* The introduction of the concept of a variable (variables),
* Reducing geometric problems in algebraic
and the establishment of analytic geometry,
* Directions and curves obtained algebraic expressions and so are being tested,
* The notion of real numbers it is similar to today,
* Among the first noted that applies the fundamental theorem of algebra,
* The works uses terminology similar to today,
* He knew the Euler formula,
* Realizes the functional relationship
* The algebraic curve of third degree carries the name of Descartes' list.

Oznake: , , , , , , ,

07 kolovoza 2011

Reinhold Niebuhr - Teolog

Reinhold Niebuhr - Theologian

Čovjekova sposobnost za pravdu čini demokraciju mogućom.
Čovjekova sposobnost nepravdi čini demokraciju neophodnom!

Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible.
Man's ability to injustice makes democracy necessary!

- Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr bio je američki teolog.
- Rođen je 21. lipnja 1892 u Wright City, Missouri.
- Umire 1. lipnja 1971 Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
- Bio je protestant.
- Poznato djelo mu je Djeca Svjetla i Djeca tame (1944).
- Bio je jedan od najutjecajnijih vjerskih vođa 1940-ih
i 1950-ih u ​​američkim javnim poslovima.

- Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr was an American theologian.
- Born on 21 June 1892 in Wright City, Missouri.
- Death of first June 1971 Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
- He was a Protestant.
- Well-known work is his
Children of Light and Children of Darkness (1944).
- He was one of the most influential religious leader of the 1940's
and the 1950s in American public affairs.

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