Alan Alda - Glumac
Alan Alda - Actor
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- Ne misli da je trenutak sreće nešto maleno.
Sreća i postoji samo u kratkim trenucima.
- I do not think that was a moment of happiness something small.
Happiness exists only in brief moments.
- Alan Alda je američki glumac.
- Rođen je 28.1.1936. godine, New York.
- Poznat je po ulozi Hawkeyea Piercea u
televizijskoj seriji M*A*S*H.
- Alan Alda is an American actor.
- Born on 28.1.1936. year, New York.
- He is known for his role as Hawkeye Pierce in
television series M * A * S * H.
Oznake: actor, alan, alda, Film, glumac, izjave, movie, mudre, statement, wise