Bruce Barton - Mudre izjave
Bruce Barton - Mudre izjave
- Muškarac je najslabiji kad mu lijepa žena šapuće da je snažan.
- He is weakest when his pretty wife whispered to the powerful.
- Bruce Fairchild Barton je bio autor mnogih
bestseler vodiča i američki političar.
- Pisao je doslovno na stotine članaka u popularnim
časopisima, nudeći čitateljima savjete i
inspiraciju za vođenje američkog sna.
- Rođen je 5.8.1886. Tennesse.
- Služio je u američkom Kongresu 1937 do 1940
kao republikanac iz New Yorka.
- Bruce Fairchild Barton was the author of many
bestselling guide and an American politician.
- He wrote literally hundreds of articles in popular
magazines, offering readers the advice and
inspiration for keeping the American dream.
- Born on 5.8.1886. Tennesse.
- He served in the U.S. Congress from 1937 to 1940
as a Republican from New York.
Oznake: Barton, Bruce, izjave, izreke, kongres, mudre, Politika, statement, wise