Aristotel - Mudre izjave
Aristotle - Wise statement

Duhovitost je drskost koja je stekla obrazovanje.
Wit is audacity, which has acquired education.
- Aristotel je starogrčki filozof rođen u Trakiji 384. p. n. e.
a umro 322. p. n. e. Halkilda.
- Bio je Platonov učenik.
- Po njegovom učenju , najviša je od svih znanosti "prva filozofija"
(poslije nazvana metafizikom), jer proučava biće kao biće.
- Važnija djela su mu: Retorika, Metafizika, Organon (Oruđe), Poetika,
Nikomahova etika.
- Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was born in Thrace 384th P. N. e.
He died 322nd P. N. e. Halkilda.
- He was a student of Plato.
- In his teachings, is the highest of all sciences "first philosophy"
(Later called metaphysics) because studies being as being.
- Important works are: Rhetoric, Metaphysics, Organon (Tool), Poetics,
Nicomachean Ethics.
Oznake: Aristotel, filozof, grcki, izjave, izreke, mudre, statement, wise