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22 srpnja 2010

Julije Cezar - Rimski vojskovođa

Julius Caesar - Roman general

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Ako ljubiš, nitko ti ne može ništa.
If you love, no you can not do anything.

- Gaj Julije Cezar je bio rimski vojskovođa, političar i pisac.
- Rođen je u Rimu.
- Umire 15.3.44. u Rimu.
- Bio je najslavniji Rimski imperator (Car).
- Svojnim je pobjedama znatno proširio utjecaj
i vlast Rimskog imperija.
- 46. pr. Kr. zavladao je kao diktator.
- Njegova diktatura označava kraj vrhovne vladavine
senata u Rimu i početak Rimskog carstva.
- Ubijen je u atentatu prilikom ulaska u Senat.

- Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general, politician and writer.
- Born in Rome.
- Died 15.3.44. in Rome.
- He was a famous Roman Emperor (Emperor).
- Svojnim victory is considerably expanded the influence of
and the authority of the Roman empire.
- 46 pr. Kr. reigned as a dictator.
- Marks the end of his dictatorship rule supreme
the Senate in Rome and the beginning of the Roman Empire.
- He was killed by the bomb when entering the Senate.

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08 srpnja 2010

Thommas Mann - Pisac

Thommas Mann - Writer

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Uz velikog čovjeka često idu i velike greške.
With the great man often go big mistakes.

- Paul Thommas Mann je njemački romanopisac, novelist, esejist i filantrop.
- Rođen je 6.6.1875. Libek.
- Umro je 12.8.1955. Zurich, Švicarska.
- Svojim književnim stvaralaštvom je obilježio prvu polovicu 20. stoljeća.
- Početkom tridesetih godina postao ogorčeni protivnik nacionalsocijalista.
- Posljedica toga bit će njegova egzilizacija koja će trajati sve do pedesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća.
- Poznatiji romanii su mu:
- Buddenbrookovi (Buddenbrooks) 1901.
- Doktor Faustus - 1947.
- Ispovijedi varalice Felixa Krulla - 1954.

- Paul Thommas Mann is a German novelist, short story writer, essayist, and philanthropist.
- Born on 6.6.1875. Libek.
- He died on 12/08/1955. Zurich, Switzerland.
- His literary work is marked by the first half of the 20th century.
- Early thirties became a bitter opponent of National Socialism.
- As a result, will be its egzilizacija which will last until the fifties of the twentieth century.
- Famous romania are:
- Buddenbrookovi (Buddenbrooks) 1,901th
- Doctor Faustus - 1947th
- Confessions of Felix Krulla cheaters - 1954.

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