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28 prosinca 2009

Publije Sir - Rimski pisac - Latinske izreke

Publius Sir - The Roman writer - Latin proverbs

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I dlaka ima svoju sjenku.
And your hair has a shadow.

- Publije Sir je bio Rimski pisac.
- On je Sirijac koji je doveden u Rim kao rob, i potome i dobija ime Sir (Sirijac)
- Njegov gospodar ga oslobađa ropstva.

- Sir Publius was the Roman writer.
- On the Syrian who was brought to Rome as a slave, and then gets the name of Sir (Syrian)
- His master freed him of slavery.


26 prosinca 2009

Angelina Jolie - Glumica i celebrity

Angelina Jolie - Actress and celebrity

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- U svom odrazu vidim svoje rođake.
To je dio ljepote koja ne nedostaje.

- In my reflection I see my relatives.
It is part of the beauty that is not missing.

- Angelina Jolie je Američka filmska glumica.
- Rođena je 4.6.1975. godine Los Angeles, Kalifornija, SAD.
- Udana je za poznatog glumca Brada Pitta.
- Poznatiji su joj filmovi:
Tomb Raider (2001) Lara Croft, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Kolijevka života,
Gospodin i gospođa Smith (2005), Aleksandar Veliki (2004)itd.

- Angelina Jolie is an American actress.
- Born on 4.6.1975. in Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Married to a famous actor Brad Pitt.
- Famous her films:
Tomb Raider (2001) Lara Croft, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005), Alexander the Great (2004), etc.


24 prosinca 2009

Fransoa Rable - Pjesnik, doktor

Francois Rable - Poet, doctor

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Kada čovek nema ono što želi,trebalo bi da voli ono što ima.
When a man does what he wants, you should love what we have.

- Francois Rable je bio francuski humanist, doktor, pripovjedač i fratar.
- Rođen je oko 1494. godine, a umro 9.4.1553. u Parizu.
- U mladosti je bio fratar (franjevac pa benediktijanac).
- Osumnjičen je da čita „heretičke“ knjige, pa napušta manastir.
- Studira medicinu i postaje doktor anatomije..
- Životno djelo mu je fantastično - satirični roman „Gargantua i Pantagruel“ kojim je izrazio ideje pravde, dobrote, čovječnosti, kulture i tolerancije.

- Francois Rable was a French humanist, doctor, writer and a monk.
- He was born around the 1494th , and died 9/4/1553. in Paris.
- In his youth he was a monk (Franciscan and benediktijanac).
- Suspected to read "heretical" books, and leave the monastery.
- Studied medicine and became a doctor of anatomy ..
- The work he was fantastic - a satirical novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel," which expressed the ideas of justice, kindness, humanity, culture and tolerance.

Oznake: ,

23 prosinca 2009

Blez Paskal - Matematika - Fizika

Blez Pascal - Mathematics - Physics

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Onaj koji govori samo lijepe riječi, ima loš karakter.
He who speaks only a nice word, has a bad character.

- Blez Paskal je francuski matematičar, fizičar i filozof.
- Rođen je 19.6.1623. Klermon-Feran, Francuska.
- Umro je 19. avgust 1662. Pariz, Francuska.
- Izumitelj je hidraulične prese kao i prvog kalkulatora.
- poznat je po Paskalovoj opkladi koja glasi;
Veruješ u Boga.
Ako Bog postoji, ideš u raj poslije smrti; što znači da imaš beskrajnu dobit.
Ako Bog ne postoji, gubiš; tvoj gubitak je konačan i samim tim zanemarljiv.
Ne veruješ u Boga.
Ako Bog postoji, ideš u pakao; gubitak je beskrajan.
Ako Bog ne postoji, tvoja dobit je konačna i samim tim zanemarljiva.

- Blez Pascal is a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher.
- Born on 19.6.1623. Klermon-Feran, France.
- He died on 19 August 1662nd Paris, France.
- Inventor of the hydraulic presses and the first calculator.
- Is known for Paskalovoj bet that reads;
Faith in God.
If God exists, you go to heaven after death, meaning you have infinite profit.
If God does not exist, you are losing, your loss is finite and therefore negligible.
No faith in God.
If God exists, go to hell; loss is endless.
If God does not exist, your gain is finite and therefore negligible.


21 prosinca 2009

Rene Dekart - Matematika i filozofija

Rene Dekart - Mathematics and Philosophy

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Razum ne znači ništa ako mu ne pomaže mašta.
Reason means nothing if it does not help fantasy.

- Rene Dekart je francuski matematičar i filozof.
- Rođen je 31.3.1596. Touraine, Francuska.
- Umire 11.2.1650. Stockholm, Švedska.
- Poznat je po tome što je dao temelje modernoj geometriji (analitičkoj geometriji).
- Poznat je po koordinatnom sistemu.
- Smatrao je da je svijet građen od dvije supstance: duha i tijela (bio je dualista).
- Dekart je tvrdio da se čovjek rađa sa idejama.

- Rene Dekart the French mathematician and philosopher.
- Born on 31.3.1596. Touraine, France.
- Died 11.2.1650. Stockholm, Sweden.
- He is known for what is given based on the modern geometry (analytic geometry).
- He is known coordinate system.
- He thought that the world is composed of two substances: body and mind (he was a Dualist).
- Dekart claimed that a man is born with ideas.


19 prosinca 2009

Seneka - Latinske izreke

Seneka - Seneca - Latin proverbs

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Non scholae, sed vitae discimus.
Ne učimo za školu, nego za život.

- Lucije Enej Seneka bio je rimski filozof (stoik).
- Rođen je - umire 65.g.n.e.
- Najpoznatije djelo mu je "Pisma o moralu" (Epistole Morales).
- Zbog raskida braka s nećakinjom rimskog imperatora Klaudija,
bio je protjeran na otok Korziku.
- Izvršio je samoubojstvo.

- Lucius Seneca Aeneas was the Roman philosopher (stoic).
- Born - Dying 65.g.n.e.
- His most famous work is "Letters of morality" (Epistle Morales).
- Due to the termination of marriage to my niece of Roman Emperor Claudius,
was banished to the island of Corsica.
- Made by the suicide.


17 prosinca 2009

Vanja Halilović - TV voditeljica

Vanja Halilovic - TV presenter

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Pazim što jedem, jer ljepota dolazi iznutra.

- Vanja Halilović je popularna Tv voditeljica na RTL televiziji.
- Poznata je i zbog veze s bivšim tenisačem Goranom Ivaniševićem.

- Vanja Halilovic is a popular TV presenter on RTL television.
- It is because of connections with former tennis player Goran Ivanisevic.


13 prosinca 2009

Winston Churchill - Političar

Winston Churchill - Politician

Winston Churchill politicar Politician mudre smijesne narodne latinske izreke izjave besplatni free download slike picture

Diplomata je onaj koji dva puta dobro razmisli nego ništa ne kaže.
Diplomat who is well think twice, but nothing says.

- Winston Churchill je britanski političar, državnik i pisac.
- Rođen je 30.11.1874. Oxfordshire, a umro u Londonu 24.1.1965. godine.
- 1953. dobija Nobelovu nagradu za književnost.
- Bio je premijer Ujedinjenog kraljestva od 10. svibnja, 1940. – 27. srpnja, 1945.
- To je također bio i od 26. listopada, 1951. – 7. travnja, 1955.
- Sir Winston Churchill 2002. godine je izabran za najvećeg Britanca u povijesti u anketi 100 najvećih Britanaca.
- Neka njegova djela su: Neumoljiva borba, Početak kraja,
Memoari iz 2. svjetskog rata,
Svjetska kriza (The World Crisis, pisano 1923.- 1929.),
Drugi svjetski rat (The Second World War, pisano 1948.-1953.).

- Winston Churchill British politician, statesman and writer.
- Born 30.11.1874. Oxfordshire, and died in London on 24.1.1965. year.
- 1953. received the Nobel Prize for Literature.
- He was Prime Minister of the United kraljestva of 10 May, 1940. - 27 July 1945th
- It was also of 26 October 1951st - 7 April, 1955.
- Sir Winston Churchill 2002nd year he was elected to the highest in the history of Britain in a poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.
- Some of his works are unrelenting struggle, beginning of the end,
Memoirs of the 2nd World War II,
Global crisis (The World Crisis, written in 1923 .- 1929.),
World War II (The Second World War, written 1948th to 1953rd).


12 prosinca 2009

Halle Berry - Glumica

Halle Berry - Actress

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Ljubav prema sebi je ´instant-makeover´
Self-love is 'instant-makeover'

- Halle Bery je američka filmska glumica.
- Rođena je 14.8.1966. godine u Cleveland, Ohio.
- Osvojila je Oscara 2002. godine za ulogu Letcije Musgrove u filmu Monster's Ball.
- Jedina je crna glumica koja je osvojila Oskara do sad u kategoriji najbolja glumica.
- Jedna je od najbolje plaćenih glumica u Hollywoodu.
- Neki od poznatih filmova u kojim je glumila su:
X-Men (2000.), Monster's Ball (2001.), Umri drugi dan (Die Another Day - 2002.), Žena mačka (2004.), Savršeni stranac (2007.) itd.

- Halle Bery is an American actress.
- Born on 14.8.1966. in Cleveland, Ohio.
- She won an Academy Award 2002nd The role of Letcije Musgrove in the film Monster's Ball.
- The only black actress who won an Oscar so far in the best actress category.
- One of the best-paid actress in Hollywood.
- Some of the most famous films in which she played are:
X-Men (2000.) Monster's Ball (2001)., Die Another Day (Die Another Day - 2002.) Catwoman (2004.) Perfect Stranger (2007). Etc.


05 prosinca 2009

Lao Ce - Kineski filozof

Lao Ce - Chinese philosopher

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Poznavati druge je mudrost,
poznavati samog sebe je vrhunska mudrost.

- Mao Ce je kineski filozof iz 6. stoljeća
- Poznat je pod imenom Stari Maistor.
- Govorio je da sve u svijetu vječno kruži između jina i janga - dvije suprotnosti.
- Za njega je početak svijeta - ništa (princip Tao).

- Mao is a Chinese philosopher of the 6th century BC
- It is called Old Maistor.
- He said that everything in the world forever circulating between Jin and janga - two opposites.
- For it is the beginning of the world - nothing (the principle of the Tao).


03 prosinca 2009

Efraim Lesing - Pisac

Efraim Lesing - Writer

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Ko zbog nekih stvari ne izgubi pamet taj je i nema.
Who because of some things that do not mind losing and there.

- Efraim Lesing je njemački pisackritičar i teoretičar umjetnosti.
- Rođen je 22.1.1729. godine, a umro 15.1.1781.
- Pisac je prve njemačke građanske drame (Mis Sara Sampson).
- Knjigom "Laokon ili o granicama slikarstva i pesništva“
postavio temelje moderne estetike.

- Efraim Lesing the German pisackritičar and art theorist.
- Born on 22.1.1729. , and died 15.1.1781.
- The writer is the first German bourgeois drama (Miss Sara Sampson).
- Book "Laokon or boundaries of painting and pesništva"
laid the foundations of modern aesthetics.


01 prosinca 2009

Aleksandar Sergejevic Puskin - Pisac

Aleksandar Sergejevic Pushin - Writer

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Što manje ženu volimo, to joj se više sviđamo.
The less we love a woman, that she is more like it.

- Aleksandar Sergejevič Puškin je ruski pisac.
- Rođen je 6.6.1799. godine u Moskvi.
- Umire 10.2.1837. u Sankt Petersburg.
- Smatra se za najboljeg ruskog pjesnika i oca moderne ruske književnosti.
- Pisao je stilom koji je mješao satiru, romantiku i dramu.
- Pisao je narodnim jezikom.
- Najpoznatija djela su mu: Evgenije Onjegin, Ruslan i Ljudmila, Cigane, Boris Godunov itd.

- Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is a Russian writer.
- Born on 6.6.1799. in Moscow.
- Died 10.2.1837. in St. Petersburg.
- It is the best Russian poet and the father of modern Russian literature.
- He wrote the mixers style satire, romance and drama.
- Wrote the folk language.
- The most famous works are: Eugene Onegin, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Gypsies, Boris Godunov, etc.
