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29 studenoga 2009

Sokrat - Grčki filozof

Sokrat - Greek philosopher

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S novcem je vruć džep, a studena postelja i srce...
With money is a hot pocket,a cold bed and heart...

- Sokrat je grčki filozof.
- Rođen je 469. pr. kr. u Ateni gdje i umire 299
- Jedan je od najbitnijih filozofa zapadne filozofije.
- Svoja je mišljenja iznosio u razgovorima sa omladinom na Atenskim trgovima.
- Smatra se ocem i osnivačem etike ili moralne filozofije, i filozofije.
- Sokrat je tvrdio da čovjeka ne određuje samo opažaj, nego prije svega um, osjećaj dužnosti, moral i savjest.
- Davao je veliki značaj odgajanju omladine.
- Pored znanja važne vrline su za njega: umjerenost, samokontrola, usavršavanje, poštovanje zakona i drugo.

- The Greek philosopher Socrates.
- Born on the 469th pr. kr. in Athens where he died 299 BC
- One of the most important philosophers in Western philosophy.
- His opinion was is in talks with youth at the Athens streets.
- It is considered the father and founder of ethics or moral philosophy, and philosophy.
- Socrates argued that human perception is not only determined, but most of all mind, a sense of duty, morality and conscience.
- He gave great importance to education of youth.
- In addition to knowledge of the important virtues for him: moderation, self-control, training, respect for law and more.


24 studenoga 2009

Leonardo da Vinci - Genij Renesanse

Leonardo da Vinci - Genius of the Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci - Genius of the Renaissance genije renesansa-mudre smijesne izjave izreke slavnih poznatih sportasa celebrity narodne poslovice latinske besplatni free doenload slike

Onaj tko ne cijeni život, nije ga ni zaslužio.

- Leonardo da Vinci je talijanski slikar, izumitelj, arhitekt, glazbenik, kipar, matematičar, mislilac i inženjer.
- Prozvan je kao Genij Renesanse.
- Rođen je 15.4.1452. godine u malenom gradiću Vinci, blizu Firence u Toskani.
- Umire 2.5.1519. godine u Amboise, Francuska.
- Osim u umjetnosti, dao je doprinose anatomiji, botanici, geologiji, matematici, optici, mehanici, astronomiji, hidraulici, niskogradnji, tehnici proizvodnje oružja, urbanistici.
- Najpoznatije slike su mu Posljednja večera i Mona Lisa.
- Izumitelj je padobrana, ronilačkog odijela i još mnogih izuma.

- Leonardo da Vinci Italian painter, inventor, architect, musician, sculptor, mathematician, engineer and thinker.
- Named as the genius of the Renaissance.
- Born on 15.4.1452. in the small town of Vinci, near Florence in Tuscany.
- Died 2/5/1519. in Amboise, France.
- Except for the Arts, gave contributions to anatomy, botany, geology, mathematics, optics, mechanics, astronomy, hydraulics, civil engineering, engineering production of weapons, urbanistici.
- The most famous image of his Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.
- Inventor of the parachute, diving suits and many more inventions.


20 studenoga 2009

Fredy Mercury - Queen

Fredy Mercury - Queen

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Nemoj se pokušati ubiti, neće ti se svidjeti.

- Fredy Mercury je britanski pjevač rođen u državi Zanzibar 5.9.1946.
- Umire od SIDE 24.11.1991. godine u londonu.
- U Veliku Britaniju dolazi s 18. godina.
- Bio je pjevač jednog od najboljih sastava u povijesti Queen.

- Fredy Mercury is a British singer born in the state of Zanzibar 5/9/1946.
- Death from AIDS 24/11/1991. in London.
- In the UK comes from the 18th year.
- He was one of the best singer in the history of the band Queen.


16 studenoga 2009

Jim Morrison - Muzika

Jim Morrison - Music

Jim Morrison pjevac singer muzika music Doors mudre smijesne izjave izreke slavnih celebrity poznatih sportasa narodne poslovice latinske besplatni free download slike

Svijet je pun kraljeva i kraljica
koji nam zasljepljuju vid i kradu snove.

- Jim Morrison je američki pjevač, legendarni vođa slavne rock grupe The Doors.
- Rođen je 8.12.1943 u gradu Melbourne na Floridi.
- Umire 3.7.1971.godine u Parizu.
- Pokopan je tajno i na sahrani je bilo samo 5 ljudi.
- S grupom The Doors je svirao psihodelični rock, acid rock, blues rock, hard rock.
- Prepostavlja se da je umro od velike doze heroina.
- Pokopan je na groblju Pere-Lachaise u Parizu. Tamo se nalaze grobovi Molierea, filozofa Abelarda, umjetnika Marcela Prousta, Chopina, Oscara Wildea, Maxa Ernsta itd.
- Ostao je jedna od najvećih rock legendi svih vremena.

- Jim Morrison is an American singer, the legendary leader of the famous rock group The Doors.
- He was born 8/12/1943 in Melbourne, Florida.
- Death 3.7.1971.godine in Paris.
- He was buried secretly and at the funeral was only 5 people.
- S group The Doors played psychedelic rock, acid rock, blues rock, hard rock.
- Prepostavlja that he died from high doses of heroin.
- He is buried at Pere-Lachaise in Paris. There are graves of Moliere, Abelardo philosophers, artists, Marcel Proust, Chopin, Oscar Wilde, Max Ernst, etc.
- He remained one of the greatest rock legends of all time.


13 studenoga 2009

Ingmar Bergman - Redatelj

Ingmar Bergman - Director

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Problem 19. stoljeća: umro je bog.
Problem 20. stoljeća: umro je čovjek.

Problem 19th century: the god of death.
Problem 20th century: the man died.

- Ingmar Bergman je švedski filmski redatelj i scenarist.
- Rođen je 14.7.1918. Uppsala, a umire 30.7.2007. Faro.
- Smatra se jednim od najvećih redatelja modernog filma.
- Režirao je 62 filma, od kojih je većinu napisao, a režirao je ipreko 170 kazališnih komada.
- Poznatiji filmovi su mu: Sedmi pečat, Fanny i Alexander, Čarobna frula.

- Ingmar Bergman's Swedish film director and screenwriter.
- Born on 14.7.1918. Uppsala, and died 30.7.2007. Faro.
- It is considered one of the greatest directors of modern cinema.
- He has directed 62 films, most of which he wrote and directed ipreko 170 plays.
- Famous films are: The Seventh Seal, Fanny and Alexander, The Magic Flute.


12 studenoga 2009

Arthur Schopenhauer - Filozof

Arthur Schopenhauer -

Arthur Schopenhauer Filozof philosopher mudre smijesne izjave izreke slavnih celebrity sportasa narodne poslovice beslatni free download slike picture

Čovjek pun duha i u potpunoj se samoći
izvanredno zabavlja svojim mislima.

- Arthur Schopenhauer je njemački filozof.
- Rođen je 22.2.1788. Gdanjsk, a umro 21.9.1860. Frankfurt n/M.
- Autor je djela Svijet kao volja i predodžba.
- Smatra utemeljiteljem metafizičkog pesimizma.
- Schopenhauer je smatrao da je bit čovjeka u intuiciji koja se ispoljava kao volja.
Volja je bit svijeta i ona je organske i neorganske prirode.
Volja sve pokreće, ona je gospodar, a intelekt sluga.

- Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher.
- Born on 22.2.1788. Gdansk, and died 21.9.1860. N Frankfurt / M.
- Author's work The World as Will and images.
- It is considered founder of the metaphysical pessimism.
- Schopenhauer believed that the essence of the man in the intuition that manifests itself as will.
Will the essence of the world and it is organic and inorganic nature.
Will all start, it is a master, a servant of the intellect.

10 studenoga 2009

Norman Douglas - Književnik

Norman Douglas - Writer

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Ideale nekog društva najbolje ćete prosuditi po reklamama.

- Norman Douglas je britanski pisac.
- Rođen je 8.12.1868., a umire 7.2.1952. godine.
- Najpoznatiji je po svom romanu Južni vjetar (1917).

- Norman Douglas, the British writer.
- Born on 8.12.1868. And died 7/2/1952. year.
- Best known for his novel South Wind (1917).


09 studenoga 2009

Donald Trump - Biznismen

Donald Trump - Biznismen

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- Nikad neću samo stajati sa strane, kao promatrač ,
radije ću aktivno sudjelovati u igri.

- I will never just stand aside, as an observer,
I prefer to actively participate in the game.

- Donald Trump je američki poslovni čovjek.
- Rođen je 14.6.1946. godine New York.
- Njegovo bogatstvo se procjenjuje na 1,9 miljardi USA $.
- Voditelj je popularnog Reality showa Pripravnik.

- Donald Trump is an American businessman.
- Born on 14.6.1946. in New York.
- His wealth is estimated at 1.9 billion U.S. $.
- The head of the popular reality show Apprentice.


08 studenoga 2009

Homer Simpson - Strip junak

Homer Simpson - Comic hero

Homer Simpson Strip junak comic hero mudre smijesne izjave slavnih celebrity sportasa narodne latinske poslovice besplatni free download slike picture wise statement

- Nikad se ne izvinjavam. Izvinite ali ja sam jednostavno takav!
- Never Excuse. Sorry but I just like this!

- Homer Simpson je lik iz crtane TV serije Simpsoni.
- Homer Simpson is a fictional character from the animated TV series The Simpsons.


03 studenoga 2009

Benny Hill - Komičar

Benny Hill - Comedian

Benny Hill Comedian komicar mudre smijesne latinske izjave izreke poznatih slavnih celebrity sportasa narodne poslovice besplatni free download slike picture

Jeste primjetili kako su svi ljudi
koji se zalažu za korištenje kondoma već rođeni?

- Benny Hill je bio jedan od najslavnijih britanskih televizijskih komičara.
- Rođen je 21.1.1924. Southampton, a umire 20.4.1992. London.
- Njegove emisije imale su milijunsku publiku.
- Na početku su taj humor prihvaćali samo Britanci, a osamdesetih godina stekao je veću popularnost i izvan granica svoje domovine.

- Benny Hill was one of the most famous British television comedy.
- Born on 21.1.1924. Southampton, and died 20.4.1992. London.
- His show had millions audience.
- At the beginning of the humor that accept only the British and the eighties, gained greater popularity outside of their homeland.
